Revise rather than reproduce...Inspired by the picks of Kath-a-Porter.A different colour each time- a treat for my artistic hunger & love for fashion. Not only that.... in a light and uplifting way we are encouraging ourselves and our audience to cherish second hand clothes, old stock and vintage items. Kathleen Willing who is behind the boutique and agency I would describe as a Colour Expert & Vintage Collector of the highest level. Through her stories she is taking me back to my childhood when I was longing to to be surrounded by these silhouettes and colours whilst wearing handy downs and walking on seventies RENATA shoes because they were so healthy for my fast growing big feet... So a chance for me to relive my childhood! SHOP the original drawings & paintings. |
October 2020
After a bright red sleeveless cardigan by Essential Antwerp. Great to have no sleeves so the heat produced by all the hot knitted body parts can be released...instantly inspired! Various versions in acrylic paint, oil pencil and marker on 300 gr/ m2 watercolour paper. |
June 2020
After Victoria Beckham entitled: ' Victoria Became Apple Green'. Acrylic paint, oil pencil and marker on 300 gr/ m2 watercolour paper. |