Revise rather than reproduce...Inspired by the picks of Kath-a-Porter.

A different colour each time- a treat for my artistic hunger & love for fashion. Not only that.... in a light and uplifting way we are encouraging ourselves and our audience to cherish second hand clothes, old stock and vintage items. 

Kathleen Willing who is behind the boutique and agency I would describe as a Colour Expert & Vintage Collector of the highest level.

Through her stories she is taking me back to my childhood when I was longing to to be surrounded by these silhouettes and colours whilst wearing handy downs and walking on seventies RENATA shoes because they were so healthy for my fast growing big feet...

So a chance for me to relive my childhood!

SHOP the original drawings & paintings.













December 2020

B L A C K 

The everything absorbing frequency.

Makes sure the silhouette must do the job. Endlessly inspiring and ever so practical.


Artwork at the top I drew in 2018 after a  photograph by Jeanloup Sieff.

Followed by the silhouette of the boot based on picture of the 'Black Savage' exhibition - as an hommage to Alexander Mc Queen. ( 2011)

And last but not least...The  Cape  is painted after a picture by photographer Anne Dokter depicting a coat by the label Extreme Cashmere of the winter 2016 collection.


 Artworks of black silhouettes in mixed media techniques. All artworks on A3 size paper

November 2020

Aubergines & Raspberries

.....Lovely fruits to colour your boots. I am showing new ways of using old walking mobiles.

Also in impression of my personal knitted jumper which happened to fit in Kath's story.

Boots aubergine painted artwork acrylic paint 2020
original artworks on A3 format. Woman wearing an aubergine coloured jumper and woman holding purple high boots. Painted in acrylic paint on A3 size paper 2020
aubergine raspberry vintage items painted in acrylic paint on A3 size paper 2020




October 2020

After a bright red sleeveless cardigan by Essential Antwerp.

Great to have no sleeves so the heat produced by all the hot knitted body parts can be released...instantly inspired!

Various versions  in acrylic paint, oil pencil and marker on 300 gr/ m2 watercolour paper. 



back two back in a gif file. All red drawn versions. Original artworks by Petra Lunenburg.

two girls wearing red sleeveless cardigan. original artwork by Petra Lunenburg. For  Kath-A-Porter  in 2020.

Sept 2020

After a pale yellow dress  we called  'Dough'.  Various versions  in acrylic paint, oil pencil and marker on 300 gr/ m2 watercolour paper.


drawing acrylic paint and oil pencil on heavy paper. Year 2020. Drawn after Kth-a-porter. A3 format. Artist Petra Lunenburg 
woman wearing yellow dress. Original drawing by Petra Lunenburg. Acrylic paint and oil pencil on paper. A3 format
drawing woman wearing yellow dress. Showing backside. media acrylic paint , oil pencil on heavy paper. A3 format. Original artwork by Petra Lunenburg after Kath-A-porter 2020
June 2020

After Victoria Beckham entitled: ' Victoria Became Apple Green'.  Acrylic paint, oil pencil and marker on 300 gr/ m2 watercolour paper.

Outfit of Victoria Beckham ss20- original artwork drawn by Petra Lunenburg for Kath-A-Porter. Drawn and painted in Acrylic paint and oil pencil on heavy paper A3 format. Year 2020.